Frammento di camicia

Cultura Huari

Frammento di camicia


Ambito culturale: Cultura Huari

Cronologia: secc. V/ X

Tipologia: tessuti

Materia e tecnica: lana / cotone, arazzo

Misure: 45 cm x 44 cm (intero)

Descrizione: Frammento di tunica, forse cdon maniche, con bande policroime orizzantali e banda laterale con figure aviformi. di seguito la decsrizione di S. Bergh (Cleveland Museum of Art)
Fragment with vertical stripes and fanged profile creatures.
Selvedges: A selvedge is present on the edge bordering the column with profile creatures; this edge would have been positioned at one side of the tunic, with the figured column and stripes oriented vertically. To create the selvedge, the warp yarns were cut and interlaced back into the edge with a needle. This type of treatment is currently thought to characterize Wari rather than Tiwanaku tapestry production.
Other: Several series of needle holes appear to span the fragment from side-to-side (parallel to the warp). In one corner of the fragment, the holes are associated with several short, parallel rows of stitching made with dark brown yarn. This feature should be more thoroughly documented under better study conditions.

Notizie storico-critiche: Secondo Susan Bergh (Cleveland Museum of Art) che ha visionato l'oggetto in data 19/06/2018 il tessuto è riferibile a un gruppo di tuniche con le maniche utilizzate dagli altissimi ranghi dell'elite wari, caratterizzate da una grande perizia tecnica (in questo stesso esemplare la studiosa ha contato una concentrazione di quasi 100 fili per centimento quadrato in alcuni colori). Typically, Wari tapestry-woven tunics lack sleeves; thread counts vary but the great majority fall in the ranges of 40Â'52 wefts/cm and 10Â'12 warps/cm. Only one small group of tunicsÂ'those with sleevesÂ'consistently Â'out-performsÂ' these counts; most have 80Â'108 wefts/cm and 16Â'24 warps/cm. This and a few other traits indicate that sleeved tunics are the masterpieces of the Wari tapestry-weaving tradition. The MUDEC fragmentÂ's thread counts are high for un-sleeved tunics but in the lower range of sleeved tunics. Thus, itÂ's possible but not certain that the fragment comes from a sleeved tunic. Whatever the case, the fragment is very finely woven and rare.


Milano (MI), Polo Arte Moderna e Contemporanea. Museo delle Culture


Compilazione: Orsini, Carolina (2002)

Aggiornamento: Bergh, Susan (2018)

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