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"La morte meditata", esemplare 23
Bertelli, Giorgio; Garosio, Ottorino
A set of Prints Engraved after the Most Capital Paintings in the Collection of Her Imperial Majesty the Empress of Russia, lately in the Possession of the Earl of Oxford at Houghton Hall in Norfolk
Rubens, Pieter Paul; Earlom, Richard
Vernon, Thomas; Eycken, Jean Baptiste van
Abiti Prima Comunione
Preval, E.; Chaillot, C.
Abiti a crinoline
Desterbecq, François
Abiti a princesse
Reville; Toudouze, Adele-Anais
Abiti a tournure
Laure, Noel
Toudouze, Adele-Anais
Heloise, Leloir; Bonnarel
Toudouze, Adele-Anais; Bonnard
Toudouze, Adele-Anais; Honard
Preval, A. D.; Desterbecq, François; Fuller, S B
Heloise, Leloir